Man… I should probably use this more often. But how?

Ehh, maybe I should like… post some of the pics I got or something? Here is one I found, not made.

So apparently I can post here again. WOO!!!

Now what? Is this site like…. actually used, or should I consider it mostly a back up in case Bluesky goes wrong?

Ho hum, new day, new microblog post. Where the gamers?

Hard for me to find a reason to really stick around here. Who else is here?

Ya know what I noticed? A lot of writers try to make their villains sympathetic in some way because supposedly this makes them more relatable and realistic. Apparently people think there is no such thing as a pure evil person who does evil shit for laughs. Clearly they never looked into politics.

Gonna do a test. 🎮

Somebody go to “Discover” and look up the video game category. I wanna see if this gets in 🎮

Been playing Fall Guys a lot recently, and I still think this is the best hat in the whole dang game.

How do you get into the video game category? Do they all need the controller emoji? Because I can’t make that.

I happily await the day the Super Bowl ends and I don’t have to work this closing shift at my liquor Store job.

Today I have nothing to microblog about.

I mean, yeah, Super Bowl tomorrow, but I prefer Superb Owls.

People are taking Youtube too seriously and that's a problem.

Hello to whoever sees these blogs, I know short snappy ones are trendy but I might ramble here as I am annoyed by this small thing. First let me preface this with something simple, if you’re an old guy who remembers the golden ages of youtube, you may remember that it was possible to make video replies to other videos. Maybe someone’s video made a hypnotoad joke and a reply followed through the classic “All glory to the hypnotoad” punchline, maybe some Gmod guys decided to do a long series of videos trying to tag others into creating new parts for the story, maybe it was some other thing, who knows? Either way youtube has long since removed this admittedly brilliant feature, and yet it hasn’t stopped anyone from making video responses to other videos.

If you spend any time on youtube you will notice that there are an alarming number of videos on there that are of people taking issue with another person’s video. Ya know, maybe someone’s annoyed by another guy’s criticism, maybe they’re pissed Matpat said something again, maybe they’re just being a scum of the earth Dramatuber who wants some fleeting attention. I dunno, point is, this is a problem though. I mean, if you made such a video, what are you trying to accomplish? I probably never even heard of the guy you’re yelling about, and honestly if you take Matpat’s silly side project/job that seriously, maybe you gotta calm down a bit. Seriously guys, these are silly videos designed to entertain you in some way. You’re not gonna be inherently smarter just by watching these. It’s like getting pissy over Mythbusters, it wasn’t the supposed myth that was the draw of the show, it was the tech, the explosives, the drop from 200 feet, the maiming of the dummie, everything else was just kind of there.

And that’s how we should treat these youtube things. Who cares who won that one Death Battle? The fight was fun. Who cares what game theory said? It’s weird that you get pissy over non-negative comments. Who cares what that cartoon reviewer said? They’re not changing my opinion. And yes, I’m aware Angry Video Game Nerd accentuates the negative for entertainment value, he said so himself both in character and out of character.

In the end, I simply ask a modicum of levity here, let the video be, it’s silly entertainment for silly purposes. If you are not entertained, you are able to ignore it. Okay?

The obligatory Nintendo Direct blog post.

Nintendo Direct based post, here we go.

So I saw the Nintendo Direct, and… well… here’s a list of opinions.

First of, I was never big on Fire Emblem, Xenoblade, Front Mission, or Triangle Strategy. Plus I really know nothing about Live A Live. You guys enjoy though, so that’s half the direct done.

Second, Mario Strikers is back, HELL YEAH!!! Wii Sports is back too, but without boxing, I’m not interested.

Mario Kart 8 is getting DLC AGAIN so I’m starting to think it’s gonna be the Skyrim of Mario Kart. Also, Dinsey Kart is a thing and yet was NOT advertised with Herbie OR Lightning McQueen. Dang it Disney, you had 2 ACTUAL RACECAR CHARACTERS, why not use them?

Kingdom hearts is there, but it’s cloud gaming so I hate it. And I got the entire series on ps4 anyway.

Also, dear god that MLB game ad was depressing, voice over dude has serious “I’m just here for a paycheck” energy.

Overall, I liked it.

And hey, if you haven’t tried Portal and Portal 2 yet, now’s your chance on switch (but they’re still on steam if you’re curious).

Finally, Kirby got the power to eat cars and everyone’s already forgotten about that because 3 second clip has a cute cat girl in it.

We can give titles? Oh boy.

I’ve barely been on for a few days and I already love it here. No bots, no ads, no dumb hateful monsters you always see 5 seconds into visiting a website, it’s literally what all websites should strive to be and then some. Also, have a clip from an old stream

Alrighty, testing video posts with an old clip of a Twitch stream where I played Batman Arkham Knight. These crooks were smart until they got out of the car.

Well, just updated to premium, I’m gonna see what I can do about video posts now. Or, in the near future. Bet there’s like a billion restrictions.

Well, is a major full improvement over Mastodon. So who’s gonna help spread the word? We need to kill Twitter and this is the platform for it.

I had to download a special program to force Prince of Persia into windowed mode on my PC, here’s hoping it’s worth all that effort.

Well, first post on this blog. Let’s see if it’s as good as I hear.